All For You!
Donating to this campaign provides benefits for you as well!
Below you will find a link to several zines and printouts that explore the issue of homelessness. They were created by myself, someone who has personal experience being unhoused. Not only do you get access to those educational materials for free but you can also access all the free education at the social media sites this mother-in-need runs for the betterment of our greater community. Additionally- you are welcome to request a receipt, positive business review, or written character reference for your efforts.
Offerings for You
When you donate you will receive a password to unlock all zines.
Patreons will receive access without further donation. Click Below to access password protected page.
Solving the Housing Crisis
Imagined solutions to homelessness in the United States.
Homeless in the U.S.
A first person perspective, in comic form, on what it's like to be unhoused.
Help Me!
A zine highlighting how asking for help doesn't always provide assistance.
Home on the Road
Helpful information on how to live out of one's car when forced to do so.
How Do Folks Become Homeless?
Common stories about how folks become Homeless. Challenging the idea that Homelessness is anything but victimization.
Everyone Could Have a Home
A lesson on how poverty is intentionally manufactured by State and Corporate interests.
Homelessness & Employment
A zine that highlights the barriers Homeless people face when trying to get work and the prejudices Housed people have about Homelessness.
A Colonial Myth
Exploring the idea that one must care for themselves before they care for others.
The Inequality Report
Highlights from Oxfam International's Inequality Report.
It's Cold Outside
Educational material on how to support your Unhoused friends and neighbors during instances of life-threatening cold weather.
Mutual Aid for Survival in Extreme Heat
Information on how to support your Unhoused friends and neighbors during instances of extreme heat from a lived-experience perspective.
Introduces the reader to the hypocrisy of the social service system. Challenges the idea that folks "want" to remain Unhoused.
A story narrative intended to highlight how many barriers exist to overcoming Homelessness.
How Being Unhoused Impacts One's Appearance
Shedding light on how Homelessness chips away not only at one's self worth but also their ability to get a job.
More Coming Soon
More Zines Coming Soon!
(see list below)
Coming Soon...
Materials on how to help a friend out of Homelessness
Information on Community Advocacy for Systems Change
Homelessness: Myths & Facts
Understanding the Shelter System
Homelessness: Social Services Lies
The Violence of Being Unhoused
& Zines on other topics will be available through my Patreon after the ones on Homelessness are complete. Topics range within the spectrum of Indigenous identity, social justice, creating change and so forth.